
August 2020

Asterix translator Anthea Bell on literary translators.

Asterix translator Anthea Bell on literary translators. One language is not enough for bookworms. If you want to read books in the original, ironically enough you qualify yourself to be a translator. There are in fact no special qualifications. I feel upset when young people write to me saying they’ve never done a post-graduate course

Asterix translator Anthea Bell on literary translators. Read More »

Works of Memtimin Hoshur: The Boy Who Was Taken to the City

Memtimin Hoshur is probably the best-known and loved Uyghur writer alive today. I was privileged to meet him recently and speak with him about translating some of his works into English for publication. With his kind agreement, I have started the process of translating some of his short stories for publication. In the near future

Works of Memtimin Hoshur: The Boy Who Was Taken to the City Read More »

Uyghur’s myriad verb forms produce over 42 million words

In a previous post I wrote about the latest candidate for longest word in the Uyghur language. In that post we saw that agglutinative languages like Uyghur can produce extremely long words. Another feature of such languages is the sheer number verbs forms that can be produced.  Mood, voice, aspect, tense person and number are

Uyghur’s myriad verb forms produce over 42 million words Read More »


Whether you are just starting out in Uyghur studies, looking for ways to take your language skills to another level, or just curious about Uyghur language and culture – welcome to! I am sure you will find something interesting and helpful to you somewhere on this site. I plan to post everything from language

Welcome! Read More »