Xoten Küyliri (Songs of Hotan)
Mohammed Toxti
Recent years saw the release of two VCDs featuring Mohammed Toxti and friends singing “Songs of Hotan.” A far cry from the elevated “Folk Songs of Ili” type offerings, these are really ditties on the ordinary things of life such as food and troubles with the wife. Some have also suggested the singers in the video clips look as though they have just been smoking weed!
The “Hotan dialect” makes these lyrics a little more challenging to transcribe but all the more interesting to read.
- Azna Bazar (Friday Bazaar) – watch
- Gösh Girde (Meat Samosas) – watch
- Mijezimge Yaqmidingiz (You Don’t Suit Me) – watch
- Hey Adash (Hey Mate) – watch
- Yarim (My Lover) – watch
- Alem Zamane (Modern Times) – watch
- Almixan – watch
- Pashshaxan – watch
- Lewlirijanim (Hot Lips) – watch